Undergraduate Scholarship-KAIST Korea, 2021

 KAIST Undergraduate Scholarship 2021, South Korea

One of the best undergraduate Scholarships is KAIST Undergraduate Scholarship. It is a golden opportunity to study in South Korea on fully funded scholarship.

KAIST stands for Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
    KAIST is one of the best universities in world with World class facilities, internationally recognized Faculty Outstanding Education and Search.
  MARIST'S QS ranking is 1st in Korea and 36th in world.
Host country: South Korea
Host university: KAIST
Language of instruction: English
Scholarship coverage: Fully funded

Available Degree programs under KAIST Undergraduate Scholarship 2021

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Mathematics
  4. Biological science
  5. Mechanical engineering
  6. Aerospace engineering
  7. Electrical engineering
  8. Civil and environmental engineering
  9. Bio and Brain engineering
  10. Industrial design engineering
  11. Industrial system engineering
  12. Chemical and biomolecular engineering
  13. Material science engineering
  14. Nuclear and Quantum Engineering
  15. Business and technology management

Eligibility for KAIST Undergraduate Scholarship 2021

Following Eligibilities are required for KAIST Undergraduate Scholarship 2021.
  • Must be an international student
  • Have completed High Diploma
  • Must maintain a 2.7/4.3 GPA after fresher's year
  • Should not be a Korean citizen

Documents required for KAIST undergraduate Scholarship 2021

  1. Application form
  2. Photographs
  3.  One recommendation letter
  4. High school degree
  5. Passport scan
  6. C.V
  7. Personal statement
  8. English language proficiency certificate
  9. Other documents if required

BENEFITS of KAIST undergraduate Scholarship

  • Full tuition fee off for 8 semesters
  • Living expenses
  • Medical insurance

Procedure to apply for KAIST undergraduate Scholarship 2021

First login the KAIST undergraduate Scholarship portal. Download the application form and fill it. Upload required documents on the portal. All degree transcripts should have official stamp.
  To apply 


Ireland Government Scholarship 2021
